

This Privacy Statement takes effect as of May 2018

This Privacy Statement explains how we collect and use personal information from people who visit our websites or are otherwise involved in our (online) business activities. There is no Data Protection Officer (DPO) present at Rollepaal, but we will still be happy to help you with any questions you may have. You can contact us at or 0031 (0)523 624 599 for more information.

Rollepaal (hereafter 'We') processes personal data of its employees, prospects, and other contacts. We do this in order to provide our employees with the best possible support and to achieve our objectives. In this privacy statement We explain why and how We process personal data.

List of abbreviations




General Data Protection Regulation


Data Protection Officer


Dutch Authority Personal Data (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

Who are we?
We are Rollepaal: a machine manufacturer located at Rollepaal 13 (7701 BR), in Dedemsvaart, the Netherlands. This privacy statement relates to all our processing operations, even if We process personal data together with other parties (e.g. in the case of cooperation with suppliers). In case of a similar collaboration, a privacy statement can always be found on both our website and that of our partner.

What personal data do we process?
We process the following personal data:
First and last name, address, town, telephone number, gender, email address, payment details, job title, photos, contact history, IP address.

Why do we process this personal data?
We process personal data for the following purposes:

  • Legal Obligations
    A small portion of our processing is required by law. This mainly concerns personal data that is necessary in order to comply with our tax obligations.

  • Employees Administration and Services
    We keep track within our employees administration of the persons employed by Rollepaal, together with the relevant contacts details. We keep various personal details of contact persons in order to perform our services as optimally as possible. This way We keep contact details in order to be able to reach people. We can be reached through various channels: telephone, post, email, fax, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, for example. In order to make this possible, We also process personal data.

  • Newsletters
    You can sign up for our newsletters. Sometimes personalised, sometimes not. If you do not want to receive newsletters anymore, you have the possibility to unsubscribe in every email.

  • Privacy Guarantee In order to be able to conduct, send and assess the audits of the Privacy Guarantee, contact details will be processed.

Rights of data subjects
Everyone has a number of rights under the GDPR. We do our utmost to comply with this in the best way possible. Do you have any tips or remarks? Please let us know! To use your rights you can contact us via or by using the 'Request Form Right of Inspection'.

- Information and Insight: of course you can see which of your personal data we process. We would like to tell you more about how and why We process this data.
- Corrigendum: do you feel that We are using incorrect information about you? Let us know, then We will adjust it.
- Oblivion: you can have the personal details We have of you removed. It may be that We still have to process this data for other purposes (administration or deduplication, for example).
- Restriction: if you feel that We are processing your personal data unlawfully or incorrectly, you may also request to have that processing restricted.
- Objection (rejection): you can lodge an objection to the processing of your personal data. Is it about marketing? Then We will put an end to that processing as soon as possible.
- Transferability: this is a new right under the GDPR to transfer your personal details (or have them transferred). If you want to make use of this, please contact us.

In addition, you can also:
- Withdraw your consent: For example, for receiving emails. If you wish to withdraw your consent to any other processing, please contact us.
- Filing a complaint with AP: Do you think We are not acting in accordance with privacy laws? Then, of course, We would like to hear that. Since May 25, 2018, you can also submit a complaint about this to the AP.

We only process personal data of minors (persons under the age of 16) if written permission has been given for this by the parent, caretaker or legal representative.

Storage Periods
We do not retain personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it was provided or required by law.

Basis of processing
As disclosed above, We process some data for the performance of a legal duty, some data for the performance of a contract, and most data for the performance of Rollepaal's legitimate interest: Implementing our objective. If you would like to know more about the considerations We make with regard to the legitimate interest, please contact us.

Within Rollepaal, We maintain an internal policy framework and minimum standards to protect your data. The policies and standards are regularly adapted to new regulations and market developments. More specifically, and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, We take appropriate technical and organisational measures (policies and procedures, IT security, etc.) to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your personal data and the way in which they are processed.

In addition, Rollepaal employees are obligated to maintain confidentiality and may not provide your personal information unlawfully or unnecessarily to other parties. We also require our suppliers to protect such data from unauthorised access, use and disclosure.

Third Recipients
We employ service providers for the execution of our services. These are not 'third party recipients' but processors. These parties process personal data in accordance with Rollepaal's order.

Sometimes We are required by law to disclose personal information to third parties; such as the tax authorities. Furthermore, We will only provide data to third parties if We have received your permission to do so.

The websites of Rollepaal contains a number of references to other websites of organisations. Rollepaal is not responsible for the way in which these parties process personal data. For this you can read the privacy statement of the organisation concerned.

Changes to our Privacy Statement
We may amend this privacy statement from time to time, and so may any other specific privacy statement. When We make changes to this privacy statement, We will add a new date at the top of this statement.

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